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St. Svithun menighet
3. feb. 2022
Infection Control Measures
Routines and rules for Mass celebrations in St. Svithun parish Applies to from. 02.02.2022 Infection control: 1. It is no longer...

St. Svithun menighet
17. des. 2021

St. Svithun menighet
22. okt. 2021
Do you have plans to start your own business in Norway? - Free seminar

St. Svithun menighet
16. juli 2021
Jesus takes care of the crowds
In the text on this Sunday’s Gospel (Mark 6,30-34), Jesus is surrounded by his disciples and the crowds. Jesus takes care of all of them....

St. Svithun menighet
2. juli 2021
Jesus, the carpenter
People’s education is like those meals prepared at low, very low heat: for long hours not much change is perceived, but the meal takes a...

St. Svithun menighet
13. juni 2021
The Kingdom grows all the time
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time All of us have surely studied at school how plants grow. How the seed sprouts and then produces the...

St. Svithun menighet
3. juni 2021
The Feast of Corpus Christi
The short text from the Gospel describes the Last Supper according St. Mark. Despite its briefness, many things are said that are...

St. Svithun menighet
21. mai 2021
The Holy Spirit and the Church
God is a good father. And he knows what his children need. And he has asked us, through his Son and our eldest brother, a huge and very...
St. Svithun menighet
7. mai 2021
Reflection for Sunday VI Easter
GOD IS LOVE If one had to choose a three-word quotation from the Bible to summarize the whole meaning of our faith, to represent all that...
St. Svithun menighet
30. apr. 2021
Refelction for Sunday
Fifth Sunday of Easter On John 15,1-8 Love is a mystery difficult to explain and express and for that reason we need very well-chosen...

St. Svithun menighet
16. apr. 2021
Update regarding the new local measures for Nord Jæren
Dear Congregation, It is with a heavy heart to inform you that we unfortunately have to go into closure once again, in accordance with...
St. Svithun menighet
15. apr. 2021
3rd Sunday of Easter
Last Sunday Jesus said to us “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe!”. And also last Sunday, a bishop...
St. Svithun menighet
14. apr. 2021
Update regarding Confirmation 2021
We were hoping that the new national infection control measures would make it possible for us to go through with the Confirmation as...
St. Svithun menighet
14. apr. 2021
Uptade regarding Holy Communion 2021
We were hoping that the new national infection control measures would make it possible for us to go through with the Holy Communion as...
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