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Update regarding Confirmation 2021

Forfatterens bilde: St. Svithun menighetSt. Svithun menighet

We were hoping that the new national infection control measures would make it possible for us to go through with the Confirmation as planned. Sadly, the municipalities in Nord-Jæren have decided to continue the measures from 25th of March, in addition to implement level red in kindergartens and schools. This means that there is not enough time to prepare for the Confirmation on 8th of May. There is no way we can arrange both rehearsal, confessions, and a parent meeting in time (as level red for schools will be in place until 30th of April). Therefore, we have decided that our only solution is to move the Confirmation to October.

New date for Confirmation is 2nd of October 2021.

Hopefully, our society will have gone back to a more normal situation by then and we are therefore planning 2 Masses for the Confirmation, one at 11.00 and one at 14.00. Parents can already request one of these Masses, this is done by sending an email to the coordinator for catechesis.

Catechesis this coming Saturday, 17th of April, and Wednesday 21st of April are cancelled due to level red in schools. NB: there will be posted new homework 19th of April.

We are going to add one or two days for the kids to get their last lessons before Confirmation. We do not have the dates for this yet.

Don’t hesitate to contact the coordinator for catechesis if you have questions about Confirmation og other catechesis related questions!

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